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Home Creative Project Development
Home Creative Project Development
Home Creative Project Development
Home Creative Project Development
Home Creative Project Development

Creative Projects For Your Portfolio

UK higher education creative courses want to see evidence that you understand how to work on art and design projects and that you are starting to develop your creative thinking, practice and interests.


We offer step-by-step tuition through the process of developing fashion, 3D design, painting, graphics, photography or any other art, design or media discipline projects from initial inspiration to final outcome. All lessons are taught in English and will stimulate your English language development, to the level it needs to be for university.


We come up with inspiring project assignments, that will be tailored to your own personal creative development.  We can also mentor you with the development of any personal project ideas.

What you will gain

  • Research skills and conceptual development that will kick-start a deeper, more authentic understanding of your art practice, ideas and personal creative motivations
  • New ideas and a greater understanding of the processes and materials used in art and design in preparation for your creative course at university
  • You will start to establish a personal and inspiring formula for creative development with the aim of leading you to a final outcome
  • Exploration of both 2D and 3D art / media techniques whilst developing your own style
  • An exciting sketchbook that is an essential part of your portfolio to apply for most B.A and M.A creative courses in the UK. Your Sketchbook will show the journey and development towards your final outcome
  • Project work to enhance your portfolio that will demonstrate your inspirations, ideas development and experimentations