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Home Creative Skills Tuition
Home Creative Skills Tuition
Home Creative Skills Tuition
Home Creative Skills Tuition
Home Creative Skills Tuition

Creative Skills Tuition

We can support you to develop any specialist art, design and media skills. Our experienced tutors will teach you one to one the skills you require, giving you the necessary foundation so you are prepared to confidently take the next steps towards university, higher education arts, design or media courses in the UK.

We also help you to develop your English language so you reach the level of confidence required for undergraduate or postgraduate study for any arts and design subjects. We can support dissertation and essay writing skills in English and IELTs tuition.

Contact us to arrange your free 30 min consultation call and we will advise you about the specific skills you need to prepare for your UK creative course.

Creative Skills Options

Digital Skills

Students in every creative discipline now need to effectively communicate their designs and ideas using digital media. We can support you to develop your Adobe skills – Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, WordPress etc so you can digitally showcase your ideas and project work as well as developing proficiency in the use of these essential tools.

Animation Skills

We can teach you the principles of animation and motion and how to apply them through Adobe Animate which is a great place to start learning and practicing 2D digital animation.

Graphic Design Skills

We will introduce you to the components of graphic design including: typography, layout, composition, colour, shape, line, image,illustration, image and how to apply them through Adobe InDesign and Photoshop.  

Photography Skills

Learn and develop a range of photographic skills, including how to take creative control of your camera and photographs. Or expand your existing photography knowledge with more advanced techniques and ideas. We can also teach you digital photo editing and manipulating image skills using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

Drawing & Painting

Drawing and painting remains a central activity to the work of many artists and designers. It enables the visualisation and development of inspirations and ideas. We can provide drawing and / or painting skills tuition, including digital drawing – using Procreate to suit whatever course you intend to study and stage you are at.

Fashion & Textiles Skills

Whatever stage you are at, you can develop your skills in fashion design and discover the main elements of textile design. You can develop your design ideas and skills in illustration, drawing, construction, print and surface textile design.

Video & Editing Skills

Video is an essential tool in any creative discipline to share and demonstrate ideas and information. We will teach you how to use video editing software Adobe Premiere Pro. You can start at the absolute beginning or we can provide more advanced specific tuition.

3D Design Skills

Whether you intend to study architecture, interior, furniture, jewellery or product design etc., we can introduce you to the fundamentals of 3D design, including specific skills relating to your chosen 3D design course pathway.

Research & Sketchbook Skills

Sketchbooks play a key part in all arts education for developing and transforming creative ideas and techniques. We can teach you how sketchbooks can help you collect ideas, experiment with techniques, and support your creative vision as well as discovering exciting creative possibilities not previously considered.

Artway encourages students to open their minds to new ways of seeing, thinking & creating so they cope better in the first year of their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the UK.

Artway will guide you through the UK University application process step by step. We offer expert advice on art portfolio creation and preparing for interviews, giving you the best chance to gain a place at one of the top highly competitive UK Universities.


Artway encourages students to open their minds to new ways of seeing, thinking & creating so they cope better in the first year of their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the UK.

Artway will guide you through the UK University application process step by step. We offer expert advice on art portfolio creation and preparing for interviews, giving you the best chance to gain a place at one of the top highly competitive UK Universities.
